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Meet the pamphlet that will get you more active parishioners.

Fill your pews, get more donors, and bring souls back to God with the Perfect Sense Pamphlet.

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

Preview the pamphlet!

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A Mass from the viewpoint of a priest. Features an image of a priest wearing a purple chausible at the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer. Out in the congregation, people are in pews wearing masks, and you can see the stations of the cross, the stained glass, and an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

"One of the greatest problems in Catholicism today is that many Catholics think that they know their faith without actually knowing it. This is especially a problem when it comes to reflecting on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This booklet is an invitation to understand more deeply this sacrifice and what it means to be Catholic." 


Rev. H. Todd Carter, Pastor

Holy Innocents Roman Catholic Church

Neptune, NJ

The solution to "We need more active parishioners"

Let me guess:

Weekly Mass attendance and donations are down and funerals are up.

A "regular" parishioner is now someone who attends once a month.

8-10% of parishioners are doing 90% of the giving and volunteering.

So how is a pamphlet the solution to all of that?


Because it straightforwardly answers Christmas & Easter Catholic's #1 question - Why do we have to go to Mass every Sunday? - and instantly transforms them into regular attendees, active volunteers, and generous donors.


"Father, I can assure you,
we don't know this."

That's what a friend of mine (a former Catholic in name only who now hasn't missed since) told his pastor after he read the pamphlet.


You may read this pamphlet and think, "Oh, my congregation knows all of this." I can assure you, they don't.


We weren't taught this in Catholic school or CCD. No one's ever explained the Mass to us like this before.


I know it seems simple - but that's the point. All the other answers we've ever heard are too complicated or theological.


I can't take over the Confession line for you, but I can teach your parishioners this. And I promise you, it will change your parish once they know this.


It has a Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur.


And has already been enthusiastically integrated by parishes, Catholic schools, and Faith Formation programs with more than 10,000 copies distributed.

It’s beautiful.


This isn't like those cringey stock photo pamphlets you normally get (or the questionable ones parishioners leave around). It's designed to invite the curiosity of even the hardest skeptic.

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

Preview the pamphlet!

It’s simple.


Written specifically for non-Mass-goers, we utilize a straightforward, logical explanation that makes sense even to someone with very little active faith.

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An image of a priest, Fr. John, who inspired the pamphlet's creation.

Another reason you can trust this? I didn't come up with it - one of your fellow priests did.


When I was 19, a priest friend challenged my 12 years of Catholic education by asking why we need to attend Mass on Sunday. When I couldn't give a good answer, he blew my mind with what is now written in the Perfect Sense Pamphlet.

Fr. John, the priest who inspired the pamphlet's explanation of the Mass

Icon of a white outline of a folded booklet with lines for words

Give one to new registrants.

An icon with the outline of a hand waving in yellow

Give one to new registrants.

Icon of a white outline of a folded booklet with lines for words

Integrate it into your Catholic school or Faith Formation offerings.

An icon with the outline of a school building with a flag and clock

Integrate into your Catholic school or Faith Formation.

An icon of two rings intertwined together outlined in yellow

Include in baptism and marriage prep, and leave out for wedding and baptism guests.

Icon of a white outline of a folded booklet with lines for words

Hand it out as a Christmas & Easter gift at your parish.

An icon with the outline of a gift box with a bow on top

Hand it out as a gift at Christmas and Easter.

An icon of a host and chalice outlined in yellow

Use it as a base for a parish mission or Eucharistic Revival event.

An icon with a yellow outline of an envelope

Send one to every household in your parish boundaries.



Most importantly, the Perfect Sense Pamphlet makes it easy for your current parishioners to evangelize.


They don't have to have all the right answers or try to drag their friends and families to Mass with them - all they have to do is give it to someone who needs it and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.


When's the last time your parishioners were
blown away by their faith?

"I'm blown away."


"It all makes perfect sense now."


"Why has no one ever explained this to me like this before?"


Imagine a congregation that doesn't feel like they're doing God or the Church a favor by attending Mass.


A congregation that's blown away instead of bored.


A congregation that's actively involved in parish life through time and treasure, and most importantly, knows how much God loves them.


It all starts with a Perfect Sense explanation.

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It's the kind of explanation that turns people like Frank, a non-practicing Catholic, into a regular Mass attendee who is bringing his friends with him and even volunteering as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the homebound.

It's the kind of explanation that transforms families, like the one where a woman spent years nagging her husband to go to church and then left this pamphlet out without saying a word - he read it and hasn't missed since!

And it's the kind of explanation that saves souls, like Fred's, who converted to Catholicism after reading this pamphlet.

How often have you lamented, "If we could just get them in the door..." That's exactly what this pamphlet will do.


I know you went into this vocation to save souls. Let me help to do the work of bringing them to you, so you can live out God's call of bringing them to Him.

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

Would you spend $1.50 to get an active parishioner?

That's all it takes when you purchase the Perfect Sense Pamphlet for your parish. Now your only problem will be expanding to fit everyone.

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