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The pamphlet that helps you evangelize without being pushy

No judgement or nagging required. Just hand them the Perfect Sense Pamphlet, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

Preview the pamphlet!

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A candle featuring a dove lit in a dark church

"I thought you might like to know, I became a Catholic today!"


What a friend of mine told me months after I gave him the pamphlet


If they were aware,
they'd be there.

The reason people aren't going to Mass isn't because they are lazy, too busy, disagree with the Church, or don't believe in the Eucharist. They are contributing factors, but they're not THE reason.


THE reason? No one's ever told them why they should be there.


There's a super simple explanation for why we need to attend Mass every Sunday that makes sense at every level of faith (and no, it's not just reciting the Third Commandment).


And no one's talking about after ignoring the prompting of the Holy Spirit for years, I finally did.

“Do you know how long I’ve been looking for something like this?”

"I don't know how to explain the Mass well."

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

“How come no one explained it to me like that?”

"I'm blown away. It all makes perfect sense now!"

Meet the evangelization tool you've been looking for.

Image by Channel 82

"Why do I need to go to Mass? I’m a good person.
God's not going to hold it against me."

Sound familiar? That's the question you always get - from your husband, your teenager, the football coach, and your friends asking why you can't meet up on Sunday morning.


But how do we even answer that? "Because God told us to?"  "Because of the Eucharist?" That just don't cut it for skeptics.


We tend to overcomplicate it, leaving them thinking that Catholicism is, at best, a bunch of mumbo jumbo, and at worst, not for them.


Now, you can just hand them the Perfect Sense Pamphlet. I use a simple analogy that makes everyone who reads it go "Oooooh. I get it now." (And then typically start going to Mass every week and getting super involved.)


It states the truth in love...and simplicity.


Because the answer really isn't that complicated...but it IS very convincing.

It's not preachy or cheesy.


Written with non-Mass-goers (and their objections) in mind and beautifully designed to attract the curiosity of even the hardest skeptic

It makes it so anyone can evangelize.


Yes, even you. You don't need to have all the answers. You don't need to say the "right words." Just hand it over and let the Holy Spirit get to work.

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

Preview the pamphlet!


With the Perfect Sense Pamphlet,
there's no excuse NOT to evangelize.

Your spouse or adult child who refuses to come to Mass with you.


That co-worker who's always asking you questions about your faith.


That friend who asks you how you could still be Catholic.


They're worthy of knowing how much God loves them. And now, there's no reason not to "tell" them - without having to say a word!


Leave it on the kitchen counter, put it on their desk, or even a few in the car for chance conversations with friends - Just hand them the pamphlet and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.

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Michael McCormick, Catholic speaker, speakig in a church at a lectern in front of the altar next to a picture of Jesus

I'm Mike, the "author" of the pamphlet (but truly the Holy Spirit is the author).


I know that person you're trying to get to attend Sunday Mass because I WAS that person...until a priest finally explained why we need to be there so simply that it blew my mind...and I haven't missed since.

Image of the Perfect Sense Pamphlet with a priests hands raising a host and the words "Perfect Sense - A Common Sense Explanation Why Every Catholic Needs to Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation"

What if all it took to bring someone back to Mass was explaining it simply?

It's the easiest evangelization you'll ever do. Grab a copy (or 10), leave it in a convenient spot, and let the Holy Spirit do His converting work.

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